Installation on Ubuntu 16.04
echo "deb xenial main" \ | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
curl -L \ | sudo apt-key add -
apt-cache madison couchdb
apt-get install couchdb=2.3.1~xenial
Add admin user / udpate admin user password
systemctl stop couchdb
vim /opt/couchdb/etc/local.ini
# Edit local.ini file under [admins] add
# user = password
# after restart of couchdb the password will be encrypted in this file and user is created
systemctl start couchdb
Secure Couch DB: Setup SSL
You will need the OpenSSL command line tool installed. It probably already is.
mkdir /etc/couchdb/cert
cd /etc/couchdb/cert
openssl genrsa > privkey.pem
openssl req -new -x509 -key privkey.pem -out couchdb.pem -days 1095
chmod 600 privkey.pem couchdb.pem
chown couchdb privkey.pem couchdb.pem
Now, you need to edit CouchDB’s configuration, by editing your /opt/couchdb/etc/local.ini file. Here is what you need to do.
Under the [ssl] section, enable HTTPS and set up the newly generated certificates:
enable = true
cert_file = /etc/couchdb/cert/couchdb.pem
key_file = /etc/couchdb/cert/privkey.pem
When using letsencrypt
In order to use letsencrypt certificates for couchdb ssl, cacert_file option also needs to be enabled.
Copy letsecrypt certificates from /etc/letsecrypt/archive/.. folder to /etc/couchdb/cert/ and make sure that permissions are set to 600
# Note that the file names can be different. verify the actual certificates using openssl x509 -text -no-out -in command
# TO
chmod 600 /etc/couchdb/cert/*.pem
chown couchdb:root /etc/couchdb/cert/*.pem
Set the following options in local.ini
# vi /opt/couchdb/etc/local.ini
enable = true
cert_file = /etc/couchdb/cert/cert.pem
key_file = /etc/couchdb/cert/privkey.pem
cacart_file = /etc/couchdb/cert/chain.pem
cp /etc/letsencrypt/archive/ cert.pem
cp /etc/letsencrypt/archive/ chain.pem
cp /etc/letsencrypt/archive/ privkey.pem
systemctl restart couchdb
Secure Couch DB: Avoid epmd and beam.smp binding 4369 on public interface
After installation epmd and beam.smp make port available for public. This is not required if you just want to use it locally. To avoid this
To make beam.smp listen to localhost
# Add the following line in /opt/couchdb/etc/vm.args at the end
-kernel inet_dist_use_interface
To make epmd listen to localhost
# Add the following line in /opt/couchdb/bin/couchdb before exec "$BINDIR/erlexec"
Important For the above setting to work, make sure that IPV6 is enabled atleast for loopback interface (lo). This can be set in /etc/sysctl.conf and restart the system.
Secure Couch DB: Tips
Add users to all databases
You need to set each database security object and add members in the ‘members’ and ‘admins’ field. It is important to assign users to all databases including _users and _replications. Databases without user permissions would be accessible without authentication !!
Also set require_valid_user=true in local.ini
WWW-Authenticate = Basic realm="administrator"
require_valid_user = true
require_valid_user = true
Change the default port numbers
Change port numbers in /opt/couchdb/etc/local.ini and restart couchdb
port = xxxxx
port = xxxxx
Enable only https
Seems to be that we cannot blog http. Work around is to block insecure port
Project Fauxton is a web interface running under
User Creation
Create New User
curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/_users/org.couchdb.user:jan \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "jan", "password": "apple", "roles": [], "type": "user"}'
Export and Import Databases
Database can be exported to JSON using the following REST API URL
curl -X GET > ~/Downloads/noteself.json
The resulting JSON looks like this
"total_rows": 34,
"offset": 0,
"rows": [
"id": "linux",
"key": "linux",
"value": {
"rev": "1-3d26a00b306c1482b2f7e4e8bdb0549f"
"doc": {
"_id": "linux",
"_rev": "1-3d26a00b306c1482b2f7e4e8bdb0549f",
"fields": {
"created": "20190719223255819",
"creator": "admin"
"id": "linux",
"key": "linux",
"value": {
"rev": "1-3d26a00b306c1482b2f7e4e8bdb0549f"
"doc": {
"_id": "linux",
"_rev": "1-3d26a00b306c1482b2f7e4e8bdb0549f",
"fields": {
"created": "20190719223255819",
"creator": "admin"
In order to be importable, it is important to remove _rev, total_rows etc attributes from the json formed from the above step. The above json file should be edited such that it has the following format.
{"docs": [
"_id": "linux",
"fields": {
"created": "20190719223255819",
"creator": "admin",
"title": "Linux",
"modified": "20190719223255819",
"modifier": "admin",
"_id": "windows",
"fields": {
"created": "20190719223255819",
"creator": "admin",
"title": "Windows",
"modified": "20190719223255819",
"modifier": "admin",
Following one liner can be used to achieve the desired output
cat noteself.json | jq '.rows[].doc' | jq -s '.' | grep -v _rev > noteself_to_import.json
The resulted json from the above step can be imported with curl
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @noteself_to_import.json -u user:pass
CouchDB FAQs
What is beam.smp process
Where are CouchDB databases stored on file system
~/Library/Application Support/CouchbaseServer